The Lightning Process: Charlie’s experience

Heather Thomas

I remember the first conversation with Charlie over 6 years ago when she was not well, she was determined to change her life and was prepared to do whatever it took to get her life back in the way she had heard about from other people who had used the Lightning Process. The rest is history for her and it was so lovely to catch up with her again recently.

Charlie’s Story

“I completely transformed my life with LP. Having illness for seven years and ‘hermit life’ for four, I’d resigned myself to a future of severe limitations and not much joy, achievement or fulfilment. Then came Heather, and LP! What a miraculous experience. I immediately stopped chronic fatigue, and in the six years since, life has literally transformed.

I was able to build myself into a brand new person, and there have been countless ‘milestones’ and achievements along the way. Highlights include owning and running a business, driving myself wherever I want, taking an amazing yoga holiday in Ibiza, adventuring with friends in Thailand, getting qualified in Reiki Level One, usually being the last person on the dancefloor, and taking up acting and singing. Performing was a secret dream I used to tell myself I’d never be brave enough to realise, and now I have my own band and perform in theatre productions three or four times a year! Being the person I always wanted to be and meeting amazing people I’d never have otherwise met is quite an amazing feeling.

Heather is a true inspiration and often pops up in my LP visualisations as the epitome of energy or positivity! I feel lucky that my experience of LP was so phenomenal that I have recommended it at any opportunity, with the result that a number of friends or acquaintances have taken the course, all with brilliant results.

LP has left me with a thirst for exploring all the ways I can continue to develop my ideal self – I love reiki, guided meditations (Jason Stephenson and Michael Sealey – highly recommended!) and reading books about neuroplasticity, brain rewiring etc. But the best thing about LP is that I know I’ll never have chronic fatigue again, because I have a toolkit for life.

If you’re considering LP, don’t… just do it!”