Liv photoLiv’s Story

Dear Heather=)

Here is a update from Norway after the Lightning Process in London=)

As you said, the time has gone very fast after we came home! I had lot of energy, but as you said I have also been relaxed. Shouldn’t use energy all the time!;)

I’m very happy with the results. It has really been a change in my life!

We, Kjell Ivar and I, also use the LP in our relationship. We are now very good at pointing at, and focus at the positive things during the day. And that is a big change=)
When we came home my family, my grand parents and Kjell Ivars parents was standing in the livingroom, waiting for us. That was a very emotional moment for all of us=) There was hugs and kisses. When my mum came and gave me a big hug, I said to her that its gonna be ok, I’m well now, she cried on my sholders, because she was so happy. She has got her daughter back!
Had to use the process there!;)

Its getting easier to get to the state I want, now. When I look at my notes, I realise that this is a training, just like anything else. At the beginning I was happy if I could have energy just for 10 minutes or so. Now I have energy for many hours, even for a whole day if I need to! The body is getting stronger every day, and that is an amazing feeling!!!

Attached there are some photos that show the change=)
We decided to celebrate the new year’s eve on the mountain. So we did! And I carried my own backsack!! That was one of my goals.
We slept in a tent, made tea over the fire and just had a very good time up there, with my dog=)  The view over the town was amazing…

Im going to the doctor today, to tell him that I need to build up my body a bit more before I get back to work. And I’m looking forward to see him!=)
What a change… IT’-S FANTASTIC!!!

Thank you for your course.
It has been the biggest change in my life!

Hugs and love from
Liv Guri Ness  Trondheim

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