Aina Grunnsund from Brevik, Norway, March 2008.  Updated Jan 2017

Photo right: Aina in 2017, currently working as a Mary Kay Consultant in Norway and loving her work and life.

Photo below Aina before the Lightning Process Training in 2008.  Aina’s story was shown in a TV interview on Norwegian television on the National TV station. watch the TV interview

“I was diagnosed with ME in 2001. The first months I was bed-bound, and housebound for the first year. Slowly I got better, but not so well that I could work. In 2003 I gave birth to my second son Albert, I got worse, but slowly recovered a bit.
For some years I could participate in the family life, in 2007 I started on migraine medication, and after 6 months I collapsed – totally bed-bound.

From May to February I hardly wasn’t outside my house. In February I got real sick and had to have a removed of a gall stone and had pancreatitis. I was in very much pain, and when I got home from the hospital after one week, my ME was even worse.Aina Grunnsund

I read about The Lightning Process on internet that summer…..but was too sick to go to England for the training. But I got a feeling that this was something that I would benefit from.

Just before Xmas I heard that it was possible to have the training in Norway.  In February I went to Oslo for the LP training. It is a 3 hours drive from here so I was pretty exhausted when arriving, but somehow I was able to follow the seminar. I did tired after the first day, but when I got back to the hotel I went for a walk in the lobby with my oldest son Bendik. So strange to be around so many people!!! But it went great!! We decided to look around the hotel,and ended up at the gym!! I started doing the process right after coming to the hotel, and I even had to get up that night to work on it.

The next morning we were going to have breakfast in the restaurant. When arriving there I started having symptoms and panicking. I went to the bathroom and worked on the process, and was actually gone for 20 minutes! When I got back my husband and my kids were running around looking for me- they thought that I had collapsed. .But I was doing great, and we enjoyed a 30 minutes breakfast in the restaurant!!! This was fantastic!!!I had stayed in bed and on the sofa for almost a year!!!! I even went to a grocery store before going to the seminar on the second day.

This evening we went for 1 hour walk!!! Stopped at a shopping centre and back to the hotel again!!! The third day I felt great!! Rushed to a grocery store before going to the seminar.

After the seminar we started our 3 hour drive back, doing great!!  When we got home I cooked a meal and put my kids to bed. It has now been 3 weeks since I finished the seminar.

I have been working very hard with the process and I am making great progress. I haven`t laid down for a rest in these 3 weeks, and do not sleep during the day.

I go for walks, go shopping, doing housework, reading and helping my kids with homework, I can do anything!! Yesterday I drove my car again on the highway, and that feels great!!

This Easter I was able to go to the ski centre with my family. My sons went on snowboard, I was playing with them and preparing the meal (grilling). When we came home after 6 hours I was tired of course, but that was from the sun and fresh air – my husband was even more tired than me and went to bed at 9……I stayed up until 11!!!!

I got something in the mail a couple of days ago, it was about ME and a new plan from the government. There was an interview with a woman suffering from ME….I read it and felt very sorry for her. But I noticed that I didn’t identify myself with her, and that was something new to me. I felt that ME was something of my past…..and it really is.

I`m working on the process every day, and I can do a lot more now than I was able to a couple of weeks ago.  I`m moving very fast forward……Some days I struggle, but I trust in the process and the next day is always a better one……

Aina Grunnsund

I am so grateful for learning the lightning process, I have turned my life around doing the process. I know I will make great progress in the future and I have a life I love!

Many thanks to Heather for being such a great trainer!!!!  A fantastic trainer actually….

Thank you, thank you, thank you…:-)”


Article from Aina’s local

Aina Grunnsund har fått livet tilbake. Det innebærer blant annet å gå tur, ta en tur på butikken eller på kjøpesenteret. Ting som var utenkelig da hun var inne i sin verste periode i fjor sommer.

Aina har fått livet tilbake. Et kurs på tre dager og hard jobbing i etterkant har gjort underverker for ME-pasient Aina Grunnsund. Hun har aldri følt seg bedre og friskere i løpet av de syv siste årene. Av Edle Eidbo-Hansen Publisert  15.05.2008 – 08:30 Tips en venn om denne saken Skriv ut denne siden – Utmattelsen har sluppet taket, og jeg har rett og slett kommet meg på beina igjen. I går var hele familien på kjøpesenteret på Herkules. Mens de andre spiste, gikk jeg alene rundt og prøvde litt klær og handlet. Det er ting som var helt utenkelig for meg i den forferdelig perioden jeg var inne i frem til jeg kom på kurset, forteller Grunnsund.  Fra mai 2007 til månedsskiftet februar-mars i år lå hun for det aller meste i et mørkt rom og hadde bare noen få turer ut innimellom.- Det var til tider nok bare å konsentrere seg om å eksistere, sier tobarnsmoren.

Lightning process: Liggende under et teppe i bilen kom hun seg på kurs i Oslo i såkalt lightning process i mars. En behandling som behandler ME som en fysisk sykdom, og hvor man baserer seg på hjernens evne til å påvirke kroppen. Informasjonen om dette fant hun på internett, og hun betalte ca. 12 000 kroner.

– Det er vanskelig å forklare, men jeg synes det er viktig å understreke at det ikke er noe hokus pokus eller mirakelkur. Det er konkrete fysiske øvelser man lærer og går igjennom, og hovedgreia er å klare å stoppe den adrenalinloopen som gjør at en tappes fullstendig for energi, forklarer Grunnsund, som også måtte gjennom et grundig intervju for å se om hun var klar for kurset.

Med hard jobbing og repetisjoner på øvelsene i etterkant, har hun også klart det. Nå gjør hun øvelsene svært sjelden, og hun har for alvor begynt å bli trygg på at hun ikke skal få noe tilbakefall.- Jeg var selvfølgelig veldig redd for det i begynnelsen. Når man har 7 års erfaring med sykdommen, er det ikke bare lett å stole på at det skal gå bra, erkjenner Grunnsund.

Rough Translation of  the Newspaper Article into English

A three day course and hard work afterwards has done an incredible job for ME-patient Aina. She has never felt better and healthier in the last seven years.  “I have transformed. Yesterday the whole family went shopping. While the others ate, I walked around alone and tried on some clothes. These things would be absolutely inconceivable for me in the terrible period before I joined the course”, says Aina. “From May 2007 to the end of February to March this year she was for the most of the time in a dark room and had only a few trips out occasionally. It was sometimes enough just to concentrate on existing, “said Aina’s mother.

Lightning Process: Lying under a blanket in the car she came to classes in Oslo in the so-called lightning process in March.  A treatment that treats ME as a physical illness, and where it is based on brain’s ability to affect the body. The information about this she found on the Internet, and she paid approx. 12 000 kroner. “It is difficult to explain, but I think it is important to stress that there is no hocus pocus or miracles. There are specific physical exercises Monday and the teacher goes through, and the main thing is to be able to stop the adrenalin loop that allows a completely drained of energy” explains Aina, who also had to have a thorough phone interview to see if she was ready for the course.

With hard work and repetitions of exercises after, she has done it.  Now she uses  the exercises very rarely, and she has seriously begun to be assured that she will not get any relapse. I was, of course, very afraid of it in the beginning.  When you have 7 years of experience with the disease, it is not  easy to trust that it will go well, recognizes Aina.



Aina is enjoying and excelling in her work as a Mary Kay consultant and is very successful in the job




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