The story of ‘Jenny’ (name changed’) is a lovely one, she had been housebound for many years, she spent some time as an inpatient in a hospital programme, but was still unable to sit up for more than a few minutes and not even every day, she was mostly in bed or lying on the sofa, unable to see any family or friends, sensitive to sounds and light, unable to read or have telephone calls. I was contacted by her husband in 2013, the challenge of doing the training was massive for her as she was not normally able to cope with anyone (except her carer) in the room. However she decided to make that leap of faith and take the Lightning Process training. I trained her in her home and she made HUGE progress every day! On the last day she walked by herself out of the house for the first time in years! She had regular follow up and three months later she sent this particular update email which I have permission to share to inspire other with severe ME.
Hi Heather,
I hope everything is good with you? I have had an amazing month! We actually went away for a night on Friday and had such a lovely time we have booked to go back for two nights in December! It was only about 7 minutes up the road but a lovely old stately home with rooms in the gardens you can stay with dogs and lovely grounds for dog walking, I will attach a photo of Ben and I walking in the grounds and you will see how things have changed since you came to see me!
We also went for our first three course meal on Sunday as part of our extended celebrations! The weekend before that we met my mum, dad, brother and sister in law for lunch, the first time we have all been together for eight years!
I remember I spoke to you before about wanting to cut out my morning break/rest but not quite managing it, well I cut it out a few weeks ago and have adjusted brilliantly, just one to go in the afternoon now! My parents have now taken away my shower and sink chairs too which were just hanging around the house before, it was lovely to see them go!
I have been meeting lots of people on my dog walks and am noticing that I’m starting to integrate more things into my day. I can’t tell you how dramatically my life has changed since you came to see me and I know it will keep doing so. I am always so grateful to you – you were definitely the practitioner for me!
This weekend I am going to go to a shopping centre for the first time as I want to look at the laptops and buy some walking boots! I am also going to to go to the cinema for the first time too!
Take care.
‘Jenny’. Xx